[Kahvi Collective Audio Sculptors - fa8 V3] #442: Nautilus / Nautilus - Kahvi Collective Electronic Vibes
Oneliner! (255 max, alpha only)
16:39 16.01.25
Daz26 wrote:
14:52 14.01.25
4T wrote:
See Facebook page
14:53 11.01.25
Daz26 wrote:
No xmas release? ?
22:08 23.12.24
freddymilton wrote:
Raphazer captured the mood just right! Moving tunes! Great!
20:41 21.12.24
Bobe-On wrote:
The days finally get longer again (whew) in the northern hemisphere... Any southerners here? I sprinkle your summer with snow to cool you. ^u^
09:52 15.12.24
rusaruka wrote:
Love to see this site still online
08:51 5.12.24
freddymilton wrote:
Good to see snowflakes again, at least on this site:-)
17:53 13.10.24
shftd wrote:
kahvi forever
13:29 24.06.24
blocSonic wrote:
Certainly nice to see other netlabels keeping the culture alive!
13:16 5.04.24
a(seven) wrote:
long live kahvi!
#304: Brioskj / Cats
M3U FMP3  Tracks : 5
Fun, interesting and enjoyable to listen to are all words that describes Brioskjs releases, and 'Cats' is no different to the previous releases that you may well be familiar with. Always well produced with that typical Italian style that we've all become familiar with.

a small five track ep with interesting directions, variations and melodies, 'Cats' is over all too soon.

Tracks like 'Suddenly the sea got very rough' are very reminiscent of our very own Mikael Fyrek, where 'Enjoy your life' and 'Lost Souls' have their own Brioskj touch throughout. Enjoy this easy listening experience and chill out to the approaching spring. Cover artwork by Monica Cavallari - designer at http://www.cromatismi.com
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